Friday, July 23, 2021

Exit Interview Matters


What is an exit interview

Exit interview is gathering information and opinions from a leaving employees to assess the overall employee experience within the organization to identify new opportunities to improve quality of organization and it’s working environment(Muller, 2020).

Most well organized and reputed companies conduct exit interviews when leaving their employees.  But Many companies don’t even conduct exit interviews. Some companies conduct interview just sake of following standard HRM procedures But they don’t analyze the data gathered from the exit interview .

Some companies handle a proper exit interview, and they independently analyze data, and they even prepare very comprehensive reports but do not share the outcome with senior line leader to take necessary actions. However very few collect, analyze, report and even follow up the entire process and they are getting a significant advantage in terms low employee turnover and high performance from employees.

Importance of exit interviews

Since we are dealing in a knowledge-based economy, the key to organizational success is skilled employees. Hence it’s a necessary for organizations to know why they leave , why they stay and how the organization needs to change for them to deliver a better outcome. 

Since we established exit interview is an important process , next is to find out how to get the maximum out-come , data or rather honest opinion of person who leave the organization. Its not an easy task. They may not want to say anything negative about their supervisors or might not express their honest opinion. They might think now that I am leaving it doesn’t matter.  As one HR leader at a European mining company puts it “Are they really going to tell you they’re leaving because they don’t like their boss? Probably not, because they want references.” So interviewer should have to be smart enough with following to get a honest opinion or correct reason for leaving.

Timing and frequency – Timing or the date of the exit interview and how many interviews are crucial factors. Soon after handover the resignation notice can be too early as employee’s emotions and mentality will not let him properly express his or her ideas because of the initial rush and all. But it should not be the last day or week as employee has checked out mentally. after the initial rush of emotion has died down, but before the employee has checked out mentally. 

So experts argue that first exit interview should place halfway between the announcement of an intention to leave and the actual departure. And another interview after leaving the company may be after one month. Then they are more relaxed and will speak freely. This second interview can conduct over the phone.

Interviewers should be smart enough to listen more than they talk and to argue. People willing to talk more openly to second line managers (Direct supervisors managers). Since they have power to follow-up immediately and effectively. Further it’s important not to make the employee feel he has to defend his or her choice (Spain and Groysbeg, 2016 ).

Finally we can see that exit interview is very important and it should handle properly and smartly  


Muller, D., 2020. Purpose & Importance Of Exit Interviews [10 Reasons To Conduct Them]. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 July 2021].

Spain, E. and Groysberg, B., 2016. Making Exit Interviews Count. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at: <,t%20work%20inside%20the%20organization.> [Accessed 23 July 2021].





  1. Agreed Tharindu, With this High Competition Job market and Knwoledge base HR market, the employees are very fungible and easy to move. Hence, sometimes employer can not identify the Turnover of the company caused with HR issues or the industry competition facts. In order to identify the correct theoretical intention, exit interviews are very much important. An exit interview is a survey conducted with an individual who is separating from an organization or relationship. Most commonly, this occurs between an employee and an organization, a student and an educational institution, or a member and an association. The purpose of an exit interview is to assess the overall employee experience within your organization and identify opportunities to improve retention and engagement. When completed in a consistent and standardized way, these interviews can help you foster positive relationships and a welcoming working environment.

    1. Yes Oshadha , you are absolutely correct ! Thank you so much for your valuable comment

  2. Hi Tharindu, You have simply written and explained a timely important topic. As you said the organization should gather information and opinion from leaving employees in a smart way and according to their comments organization shoud do required changes to implement a worker friendly environment and retain their experienced staff. Well structured and well formed article.

  3. Totally agreed.In the other hand Needs will vary from organization to organization. Former/ex employees fall in to different value expectancy.each has a different value expectancy. Internal workers and new recruits may seek counseling, retire from board or consulting work, while others seek opportunities for learning, community involvement, social networking, community support, cooperation or referrals.So ex-employees are an asset to organization in different ways.
    Great stuff Tharindu

    1. Yes Umesh that's true. Thank you so much for your valuable comment

  4. So true Tharindu. This concept has been considered as a tool to capture knowledge from levers and it can be a win win situation as the organization retains a portion of the leaver's knowledge and shares it and the departing employee articulates unique contribution and leaves a mark.In Sri Lanka very few number of organizations conduct exit interviews. Thankyou for sharing.

    1. Very true Rukmali ! Thank you so much for your valuable comment . Yes there are very few organizations conduct exit interiews properly

  5. I feel all the organisations must implement this strategy as a feed back. It provides information about entire HRM gaps that needs to be filled. This is a great article which explains the concept nicely.

  6. Thank you so much Gangani for your valuable comment

  7. Good job Tharindu. Exit interviews are important because they offer a deeper look at the organizational culture, day-to-day processes, management solutions, and employee morale. The purpose of an exit interview is to assess the overall employee experience within the organization and identify opportunities to improve retention and engagement. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Correct Tharindu,as you elaborate exit interviews are a great way to collect organizational feedback during the offboarding process, Not everyone leaves a company on good terms, the way you conduct exit interviews must be handled with an extra level of care. But done correctly, they can lead to benefits for the employee and the organization.

  9. Employers conduct exit interviews to understand why employees resign and what they could do to minimize that. It’s also done to find out what an employee liked about the job and company, and how they the hiring process can improve. After all, an employee’s resignation isn’t always the result of poor management. It could’ve been the result of bad culture fit or the resigning employee just didn’t have the skills needed for the job.

  10. A really useful article Tharindu, this concept is not something practiced in many organizations & it's really a pity as implementing this could potentially save them a huge amount of cost & even help retain some of the future employees in the long term as will help to identify any shortcomings of the organization that led to the situation


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