Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Importance of Job rotation

Job rotation is moving employees into different units of the organization with the purpose of expose them to overall operation of the organization. By doing this employer expect to test the capabilities of their employees as well as to reduce the monotony of job roles.

Job rotation can be implemented among two or more job roles at regular time frame (MBA Knowledge Base, 2021).

Objectives and benefits of a job rotation

There are so many objectives of job rotation. Mainly job rotation provides diversified exposure to employees. Which is a significant advantage for their career growth. Further this will reduce the monotony of the job and boost the performance of employees. Authorities can find out most suitable person for different job roles.

Job rotation is a great tool to identify potential successors and to groom them. One of the main advantage of having a proper job rotation to an organization is HR department can direct the resources when and where they are required. It assesses the employees and places them at a place where their skills, competencies and caliber are used to the highest possible extent(Juneja, 2021).

Souce: (Juneja, 2021)

Planning and Implementing Successful Job Rotation

In order to implement a successful job rotation, there should be benefits to both employer and employee. Basically, job rotation should be mutually beneficial to both parties.  Willingness of both employer and employee is also essential to implement a successful job rotation .

Once both parties are okay with the process of job rotation, Organization should make sure that said rotation would not negatively impact organizations performance. As an example if all the employees are sent for job rotation, it will cause disruptions to operations, hence authorities must carefully handle the job rotation.

During the process supervisors/authorities should closely monitor each and every employees performance and capabilities to find out areas of expertise and potential employees needed to be groomed further (Juneja, 2021) .

Finding the right time and right departments is the crucial part of the job rotation. If you rotate staff of a garment factory whilst meeting strict deadline to an export order, then it will be pointless and that can cause damage to organization. Most important thing is there should be a clear outcome / benefit to an organization from job rotation.


Works Cited

Juneja, P., 2021. Management Study Guide. [Online]
Available at:

MBA Knowledge Base, 2021. MBA Knowledge Base. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2021].







  1. Agreed Tharindu, innovative companies are embracing a promising new retention strategy: employee rotation. Instead of locking workers into a single job category with a specific career trajectory, companies are moving workers through a variety of positions within departments or teams. Job rotation is seen as a way to motivate key employees, broaden their skill sets and, most important, hold onto them. It also gives employers the comfort by helping to identify best people to perform each job. Thankyou for sharing.

  2. Job rotation is the systematic movement of employees from one job to another within the organization to achieve various human resources objectives such as orienting new employees, training employees, enhancing career development, and preventing job boredom.

  3. Agreed with you.
    If I add more, The practice of moving employees among jobs within an organization is known as job rotation. These rotations are frequently temporary and primarily lateral, which means they happen with both jobs on the same level and are not regarded as promotions. One of the most significant advantages of job rotation is that it is a superb way to transfer specialized skills, knowledge, and competencies, resulting in human capital accumulation and a more flexible workforce.
    Good effort Tharindu..

  4. Employees take on new tasks at a different job for a while prior to rotating back to their unique position. With a job rotation framework, employees gain insight and abilities by taking on new obligations. Job rotations are intended to advance flexibility, employee engagement, and retention.

  5. what is job Rotation in Human useful resource management: A famous HR strategy in which agencies circulate round their employees to unique sorts of jobs in the agency for the gain of the employer as well as worker is known as activity rotation. task rotation has been designed to increase the level of motivation and hobby degree among personnel.

  6. Agreed with you Tharindu.Job Rotation is a management tool where employees are shifted between two or more assignments or jobs at regular intervals of time. Main objective of the job rotation is to expose them to cover all functions and areas of the organization. It is a well-planned practice to reduce the boredom of doing same type of job for long period. Job rotation gives the opportunity to identify hidden talents and potentials of an employee. It helps employer to discover the talent of employees and to get the maximum out of them.

  7. Job rotation is considered an effective tool for the successful implementation of HR strategy. It is about settling employees at the right place where they can deliver the maximum results. In today’s highly competitive world, this can be proved as the best strategy to find the immediate replacement of a high-worth employee from within the organization. Finding the most suitable people and shifting them to take on the responsibilities of a higher level is a tough task. Job rotation helps HR managers determine who can be replaced by whom and create a suitable and beneficial fit.

  8. Job rotation is a well-planned practice to reduce the boredom of doing same type of job everyday and explore the hidden potential of an employee. The process serves the purpose of both the management and the employees. It helps management in discovering the talent of employees and determining what he or she is best at.Job rotation is seen as a way to motivate key employees, broaden their skill sets and, most important, hold onto them. ... "It helps employees spread their wings and extend their boundaries" and, she says, it helps employers engage and motivate their staff.

  9. Job rotation is an extremely important HRM technique that is being used by many organizations around the world as a method of on the job training as well as a method of breaking the monotony of a job role, Well put together article overall Tharindu.


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